For Every Girl provides
case-management services to girls ages 12-18 who have been victims of sexual violence in Liberia.
Changing lives, one girl at a time.
For Every Girl walks hand-in-hand with girls in Liberia who have faced abuse and gender-based violence (GBV), empowering them to pursue their dreams and be catalysts for change.
We provide individualized mentorship to girls on subjects such as, but not limited, to coping skills, life skills, reproduction and hygiene education, as well as offering spiritual guidance.
For Every Girl provides funds for the adolescent girl to participate in their choice of education (grade school or trade school) as well as providing funds for basic health care.

Abuse prevention
In partnership with Orphan Relief and Rescue, our staff have been trained in an abuse prevention program, named “Break the Silence.”
I am valuable. Safety is my right.
My body is for me. I can get help.
Each month our staff visits different communities and schools in Liberia to educate children on the dangers of trafficking and sexual abuse, to know what the signs are, how these can be avoided, and how to get help.